Hi everyone!
Happy Wednesday!! It’s been a scorcher outside these past couple of days, and today is no exception. We are getting a heat wave of 31° C (feels like 41) this week…bring on the AC and frozen yogurt (yum!). It’s also the Fourth of July on Friday, and we shared our last minute gift ideas with you last week. Be sure to check out the post HERE! :)
It’s time for to announce this week’s Winsday giveaway winner! Last week, we were giving away our Petite Plume FQ Bundle on our Pinterest. Firstly, we want to say a big THANK YOU for over 1000 Pinterest friends…we are soso thankful!! We hope you have been enjoying our pins, and have been inspired by what we post.
We are so happy that you all really love our Petite Plume Collection! Thank you for all the super sweet words!! But of course, we could only pick one winner…and we used our friend, Mr. Random.org, to help us out. The winner of this week’s Winsday is…

Congratulations, Tara Elias!! We are so excited for you to receive this bundle, and we hope you enjoy creating with it. Please email us your mailing information to info@camelotfabrics.com by next Wednesday, July 9th, 2014. Thank you to everyone who participated in this week’s Winsday!! Lots more fun to come, so don’t worry – have a great day, everyone!! :)
Happy Sewing!
Hi everyone!
Happy Wednesday! We hope you all are having a wonderful day so far. Have you seen our latest How To’s Day? Get nautical-inspired with our DIY Anchors Away Pillow Tutorial. See the full tutorial HERE! :)
It’s Winsday time!! YAY! Today we have another beautiful fabric collection to give away…what’s the prize? This week we are giving away our Petite Plume by Andrea Turk of Cinnamon Joe Studio FQ Bundle! This is such a pretty collection of lovely birds, hearts, and feathers in a warm blue, chartreuse, and coral color palette. Such a versatile collection, that would work well for home décor, apparel for you or your little ones, and a contemporary quilt design.
So how do you enter this week’s giveaway? This week is all about PINTEREST! It’s an exclusive one for our Pinterest Friends so if you aren’t following us on PINTEREST yet, be sure to, so that you can enter. Find our Petite Plume Giveaway Image on our Pinterest and re-pin it, and you’ll be entered to win! We are super excited about this one and hope you are too!! :)

A Recap of Our Petite Plume Pinterest Giveaway Rules:
1. FOLLOW us on Pinterest!
2. RE-PIN the Petite Plume Giveaway Image on our Pinterest!
3. This week’s Winsday prize is our Petite Plume FQ Bundle!
4. The giveaway starts today (6/25) and ends on July 2nd, 2014 – We will be announcing the winner on next week’s Winsday Post as well as all our social media handles.
5. You can follow our Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to stay connected!
Be sure to head on over to our Pinterest to enter this week’s Winsday! We hope you enjoy this week’s prize. Good Luck, and have a great day everyone!! :)
Happy Sewing!
Hi everyone!
Happy Monday everyone! We hope you have all had a fantastic and relaxing weekend. In the midst of this cold weather, we are trying to think positive that warmer weather is near. Have you entered our Beyond the Backyard FQB Giveaway? The giveaway ends this Wednesday so enter here if you haven’t yet! :)
With Spring officially here, it will only be a matter of time until pretty flowers and little creatures will start to immerge from hibernation. We are super excited for all the lovely colors to come that will add liveliness to our current dreary state. With that, we are inspiring you with a very girly and captivating collection today…our Petite Plume Collection by Andrea Turk for Cinnamon Joe. Bursting with fruitful colors of chartreuse, coral, and turquoise, Petite Plume reminds us of a perfect Spring day on a tropical vacation.
Imagine fresh citrus fruits, luscious greenery, and glistening clear waters…we definitely would love a vacation of the sorts. Petite Plume’s designs encompasses that mood with its floral prints, feathers, and peacocks! This collection would be perfect for a couple of summer dresses or tote bag to bring on your next beach vacation, or to dress up a darling kid’s room complete with peacock feathers and floral wall decals. You can check out the full collection here!

One fashion collection that reminds us of the opulent colors and prints of Petite Plume is the Marchesa Spring 2013 RTW Collection. This collection has a very rich and exotic feel to it, with the touches of sparkle and gold with the warm tone of turquoise, chartreuse, ruby, and violet. This whole collection is very majestic and elegant, and gives off the same feel as Petite Plume especially in color palette. Some of our favorites includes this stunning turquoise dress as well as this one and this one. There are just too many stunning outfits though, so you can see the full collection here!
We hope that we have inspired you with today’s Moody Monday! Be sure to enter our Facebook Giveaway to win a Beyond the Backyard FQB :) Have a wonderful day!
Happy Sewing!