Hi everyone!
Happy Thursday! We hope everyone is having a terrific day so far. We woke up today to a Winter Wonderland this morning…yup, lots and lots more snow and cold. It looks like Spring isn’t upon us any time soon. We love our Winters, but we are ready for blooming flowers and green grass! We hope everyone is having a better weather day than us!
It’s time for this week’s Thankful Thursday, and today we are sharing a very talented and special quilt designer…Christa Watson! Christa began her love for quilting in 1994, and never turned back! From there, her love for the hobby translated into teaching quilting, and eventually, a full-time business. Christa now teaches quilting, creates stunning quilt patterns, sells fabric and supplies at ChristaQuilts.com, and runs a quilting blog. Christa’s creativity for quilt designs goes both ways with traditional and more modern esthetics, providing a fantastic range in many different quilt patterns!
Christa’s talent has been published in Quilty Magazine, as well as being the featured cover quilt for the November/December 2013 edition, and works with many fantastic companies and partnerships. Christa is even one of the Modern Quilt Guild’s recent contest’s finalists, with her quilt design Modern X, as the March 2014 member spotlight. Christa’s intuitive eye for color and design is definitely spot-on! Congratulations, Christa!

We have the privilege of partnering with Christa as one of our quilt designers. Christa created a wonderful and modern quilt design for us using our Gray Matters More by Jackie McFee fabric collection. The quilt design is called the Herringbone Quilt, and perfectly highlights the different gray and yellow designs perfectly. The quilt is absolutely amazing – it seriously is a piece of art. Christa will also be sewing up this quilt for us. We will be featuring it at Spring Quilt Market this year in Pittsburgh, and we are very excited about that! It’s going to be a real stunner in person!!
All of our quilt designs are free projects on our website, so you can create your very own Herringbone Quilt by finding the full instructions here. Christa’s instructions are clear and concise, easy to follow, and the end result? A beautiful and modern quilt! Thank you so much, Christa, for creating this lovely quilt design for us. We are very thankful for your partnership, and are very excited for all the future endeavors to come! You can find Christa on her blog, website, and Facebook page.
Happy Sewing!