Hi everyone!
Happy Wednesday! We hope you all are having a wonderful day so far. Have you seen our latest How To’s Day? Get nautical-inspired with our DIY Anchors Away Pillow Tutorial. See the full tutorial HERE! :)
It’s Winsday time!! YAY! Today we have another beautiful fabric collection to give away…what’s the prize? This week we are giving away our Petite Plume by Andrea Turk of Cinnamon Joe Studio FQ Bundle! This is such a pretty collection of lovely birds, hearts, and feathers in a warm blue, chartreuse, and coral color palette. Such a versatile collection, that would work well for home décor, apparel for you or your little ones, and a contemporary quilt design.
So how do you enter this week’s giveaway? This week is all about PINTEREST! It’s an exclusive one for our Pinterest Friends so if you aren’t following us on PINTEREST yet, be sure to, so that you can enter. Find our Petite Plume Giveaway Image on our Pinterest and re-pin it, and you’ll be entered to win! We are super excited about this one and hope you are too!! :)
A Recap of Our Petite Plume Pinterest Giveaway Rules:
1. FOLLOW us on Pinterest!
2. RE-PIN the Petite Plume Giveaway Image on our Pinterest!
3. This week’s Winsday prize is our Petite Plume FQ Bundle!
4. The giveaway starts today (6/25) and ends on July 2nd, 2014 – We will be announcing the winner on next week’s Winsday Post as well as all our social media handles.
5. You can follow our Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to stay connected!
Be sure to head on over to our Pinterest to enter this week’s Winsday! We hope you enjoy this week’s prize. Good Luck, and have a great day everyone!! :)
Happy Sewing!