Hi everyone,
Happy Wednesday! I hope you all are feeling fantastic this mid-week. Today happens to be National Chocolate Macaroon Day… throw in some coconut flakes and nuts, and we are in macaroon heaven!!
It’s Winsday time! And this week, we have a SUPER special giveaway to share with you. One of our incredible artists, Jackie McFee, has relaunched her website today with a SUPERB new makeover – looking absolutely modern, fresh, and fab-U-lous – which represents our colorful Jackie perfectly. Lots of cool features too – from sharing her favourite fonts to her current color inspiration! So GO. NOW! (or after entering the giveaway, haha!)
And in honor of her launch, she’s hosting a GIVEAWAY!!! Along with her new-found love for Instagram, you’ll need to head on over to her Instagram – @jackie_mcfee – follow her and REPOST the Giveaway Image (as seen below). We’ll be posting it on our Instagram too, so you can repost ours if you’d like. Make sure to use the hashtags #jackiemcfee and #neonandon…and that’s it! You’re entered to win this lush-perfect-for-summer bundle. See below for complete rules!
Jackie McFee’s Website Makeover Giveaway Rules:
1. Follow Jackie on her Instagram – @jackie_mcfee
2. Re-post the GIVEAWAY IMAGE (either from her Instagram or ours)
3. Use the hashtags #jackiemcfee and #neonon
4. Giveaway ends on Wednesday, June 10th 2015 and will be announced on Jackie’s & our social media handles.
5. Good Luck!!
Now that you’ve entered – go check out Jackie’s new website!! Congrats, Jackie, on the beautiful website launch! Bringing out the confetti & pretty fabric to celebrate haha. Be sure to also check out Jackie on her Facebook Page and Pinterest, to get all of her updates! Lots of fun stuff coming soon!! And good luck to all those who are entering – have a fab day!
Happy Sewing!