This is a very special FAN FRIDAY!
In June, I went to Vermont with some friends (see previous blog) to visit the Vermont Quilt Festival! And they have a special category dedicated to kids! I always love seeing that section as I know how much work it can be to get our kids excited about quilting. My two eldest boys have already made a quilt that was featured in this section and next year my youngest one wants to participate. So I always view this section with great interest!
And this year I got a nice surprise! I got to see a quilt made by a 9 years old boy using Camelot Fabrics Star Wars Glow in the dark fabrics! He loves Star Wars and picked out the fabrics AND decided where they would go. He also quilted the piece on a home machine.
Congratulations on a job well done! We hope you enjoy your quilt for years to come.