Hi everyone,
Happy Tuesday! We hope you are all having a great day – it’s National Pastry Day…which means we should probably get ourselves some yummy treats. I mean, it’s a national holiday…so we have to, right? ;) We’ll take an apple and cheese turnover, with extra whipped cream please!
Time for this week’s How To’s Day! Today we are featuring a super stylish tutorial for our Twin Pillows. Changing up your pillows, whether it be your couch or bed pillows, are one of the easiest and least expensive ways to add some new flair to a space. We love rotating pillows for the different seasons and holidays, as it gives us a fun opportunity to decorate often, while being budget-friendly. Making your own pillows also allows you to choose the designs and colors you want so that the decor you’ve envisioned can come to life…
We adore our Twin Pillows Tutorial because they are unique, modern, and you create (for those who like quicker projects) two pillows from one tutorial. We also provide two different versions in the tutorial, so you can mix it up and have an array of beautiful pillows for your home! We love it with our Opposites Attract by Jackie McFee collection, because the white and black prints can be incorporated into just about any decor.
Want to make your own Twin Pillows? Click MORE to see the full tutorial…