Hi everyone.
Happy Monday! It’s the last day of Fall Quilt Market, but there are still so many things to do and see. If you are going to be at Quilt Market today, be sure to stop by our booth #1824; come see our newest collections and beautiful project displays! We’d love to see you!! :)
We’re inspiring you with our Moody Monday! Today we are featuring one of our out-of-this-world collections – Outer Space by Vita Mechachonis for Camelot Fabrics. This collection is awesome for any little astronaut-in-training who wants to dream with the planets and stars. It’s the next best thing to the real universe! This collection features spaceships, astronauts, rocket ships, planets, stars, and more…and you want to know the best part? It’s glow-in-the dark!! This is an older collection of ours, but we do have our Ad-Fab™ in Outer Space Astronomy Lesson and our Outer Space Plush Fleece. These would make awesome projects for anyone who really loves all things outer space!

We absolutely loved See by Chloe’s Fall 2014 RTW collection of all things galactic! This collection featured bright, bold, and intricate details and patterns…including planet printed dresses and pants. Oh, how awesome!!
This whole collection stays true to the meaning of having fun with fashion. I mean, who wouldn’t want to wear an awesome pair of trousers with planet prints on it? This cool print reminded us of our Outer Space by Vita Mechachonis Collection, and we just had to share it with all our fellow space-enthusiasts.
We hope we have inspired you with today’s Moody Monday!! Have a fantastic rest of the day :)
Happy Sewing!
We hope you have been enjoying all our Fall 2014 Collections today! We know that there are so many Marvel Comics fans, who love using our fabric for their projects, we just had to bring you all more fabric love. Our Marvel Comics II by Camelot Design Studio collection encapsulates the adventure and brooding-ness behind being a true superhero. Including all your favorite characters, from Spider-Man to The Avengers and more, this collection is action packed, powerful, and colorful. This collection would be a perfect compliment for your little superhero-in-training’s bedroom decor. Or, imagine an adorable pair of trousers or sweet dress in our Marvel Comics II fabrics? Complete with a superhero bow-tie or headband and cape, your little superhero-in-training will be ready to take on the world!

Or, if you’re like us, you’d want to make something for yourself too! We love the idea of a sweetheart dress in Marvel Comics II, or a storytelling quilt such as our Box Trot Quilt by Whirligig Designs.

Where are all our fellow superheros-in-training? Put your capes on! We’d love to know what you think of our Marvel Comics II Collection, and what you would create with it :)
Sharing more of our Fall 2014 Collections with you today! With the turn of autumn, our nights have unfortunately become longer. But, we’re ones to stay optimistic and like to look for the little pleasures in things, such as the illuminating moon and pretty stars that freckle the midnight sky. Our Heavy Metal by Jackie McFee Collection does just that; this collection instantly adds that extra bit of sparkle to any project. Heavy Metal is our stunning metallic-printed collection that, complete with its modern geo patterns, looks so luxurious and glam! Add some instant pizzazz to a living space with metallic patterned pillows or tabbed curtains. Or, if you’re feeling adventurous and on-trend, make your own Heavy Metal party dress and foldover wedding clutch for your next night on the town!

There is just something so pretty and glamorous about metallic. Even a touch of it in a living space livens up everything, and makes everything feel so much more expensive and luxe. We love the idea of a metallic-printed fabric quilt, such as our Crossroads by Harding Hill Designs Quilt. Such a great statement piece!

We hope this metallic-printed collection has added some glam to your day! We’d love to know what you think about our Heavy Metal by Jackie McFee Collection. What would you create with this collection? Stay tuned for more!
We’re launching our Fall 2014 Collections today, and hope you have been enjoying them so far. We’re bringing you some more prettiness with our Elixir by Camelot Design Studio Collection. Elixir is mystic and ethereal, with beautiful modern geometric patterns in rich blues, mint, and Pantone’s 2014 color of the year…radiant orchid. Such an interesting combination of colors, but oh-so magical together, Elixir brings mystery and a soft elegance to any project. Whether it be our foldover wedding clutch or statement pillows, they will be eye-catching, bold, and on-trend.

We absolutely love how our Elixir Collection looks with our Twist on Tradition Quilt by The Quilted Button. The “twisted” pieces of this quilt create a unique pattern that perfectly showcase the colors and prints in Elixir. Such a stunner!

We hope you love our Elixir by Camelot Design Studio Collection. We’d love to know what you think, and what you would create with this wonderful collection. Be sure to check out our website for all of our free projects. Stay tuned for more!
More from Camelot Fabrics’ Fall 2014 Collections Launch! Amidst the gloomy and darker days of autumn, it’s still nice to have little sparks of sunshine and happiness. If not weather-wise, we’ll take fabric as a close second. Our Rise & Shine by Camelot Design Studio does just that for us; it’s happy and spirited in both prints and color palette, and is sure to brighten up any project. Rise & Shine is a exuberant collection of bright yellow, teal, and grey complete in modern geometric patterns. Spirited with a retro twist, Rise & Shine would make for a pretty 50’s-inspired circle skirt or men’s neck tie for an upcoming party or wedding. We also love the idea of a neutral space, with lots of yellow & teal pillows to liven the atmosphere.

We are loving our Tumbling Jewels Quilt by The Cloth Parcel with our Rise & Shine Collection. The yellow and teal colorway makes for a very fun and happy quilt design, a perfect gift for a graduation or bedspread. So, so pretty!!

We hope you adore our Rise & Shine Collection, and that it added a bit of brightness to your day. We’d love to know what you think, and what you would create with this collection. Stay tuned for more collections!