Hi everyone!
Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone is having a great one so far!! It’s such a pretty day out, we decided to have a fun photo shoot outside for today’s post! And even more prettiness coming your way with our current Neon & On FQ Bundle Giveaway that ends tomorrow. Be sure to enter HERE if you haven’t yet! :)
Speaking of photo shoots, today’s How To’s Day is inspired by just that! Here at the Camelot Design Studio, we are always looking for new and progressive ways to improve the look of our blog. We try to post interesting and refreshing things daily, and we hope you have been enjoying our posts thus far, but there’s always room for improvement! One thing that we are trying to get better at is our photography skills. A well-written post is one thing, but having an eye-catching photograph is what will grab the reader’s attention. What we have learnt through practice is that no matter how fantastic your camera is, lighting is key to a brilliant photo! However, studio lighting such as softboxes, umbrella lighting, and reflectors can be a pretty pricey investment…especially if you don’t need to use it every day.
We have come up with a pretty brilliant DIY project that is 1) cost-effective and 2) a great way to improve your photography skills/photos. Our DIY Soft Light Reflector uses our satin and, if you can believe, a hula hoop! How’s that for being resourceful? :) We have found that our soft light reflector reduces shadow lines and softens the appearance of your subject, thus creating a better, smoother, and prettier photograph!!
Now you can be your own professional photographer at home, no matter where you live. Take us for example: we’ve had to make due with our urban surroundings of trucks and warehouse buildings. Looks pretty good though, right? You never would have believed! :)
Click HERE to see the full tutorial!