
Posts Tagged ‘heather’

Hi everyone!




Happy Tuesday! We hope everyone is having a great day so far. Today is the last day to enter our Chalkboard Fabric Giveaway on the blog. Let us know what you would make with our chalkboard fabric for a chance to win. Enter here!


As well, one of our biggest projects as of late has been our Free Projects section on our website and blog! Since the launch of our Camelot Fabrics blog back in September 2013, we have been posting a new free project every week! From adorable baby shoes to DIY chalkboard banners to plush stegosauruses…we’ve crafted a multitude of amazing projects for you all, with free instructions, diagrams, and patterns. One of the greatest things has been the positive feedback and the pictures sent to us of our projects, from you all! So thank you, keep sending them to us! :)


Along with our free projects, we have been partnering with some very talented quilt designers to create one-of-a-kind quilt patterns for our website. Our fabric collections have a fresh and modern twist to them, and all the quilt designs reflect our style perfectly. All the free quilt designs include the instructions, diagrams, and necessary skus in PDF format which you can check out here. We wanted to thank all our wonderful quilt designers for creating some incredible quilt designs for us! You guys rock!! :)

Camelot Fabrics: Diamond Sparkle Quilt by The Quilted Button


Today we are featuring one of our quilt designs for this week’s How To’s Day. Larene Smith, from The Quilted Button, designed this sweet baby quilt called Diamond Sparkle. You can use any fabric of your choice, but we think this quilt looks especially darling with our Dream a Little Dream Collection by Heather Rosas. Today we thought we’d provide a step-by-step on how to create your very own Diamond Sparkle Quilt – the perfect blanket for all the little ones you know!


Click more to see the full tutorial!

25 February