
Posts Tagged ‘happy thanksgiving’

Hi everyone,





Happy Thursday! I hope everyone is having a lovely day. And a Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends! Wishing everyone a joyful day filled with lots of delicious food, warm hugs, and memorable moments…


Today is also Thankful Thursday! We wanted to take the time to thank all the incredible people we are so lucky to be surrounded by. Thank you to our amazingly talented artists – Alisse, Heather, Andrea, Ciana, Allison, Jackie, Vita – who continue to inspire us with their beautiful work and kind hearts. Thank you to our loving families – for always being there when we need it most and being a constant support. Thank you to our wonderful friends and significant others – for all the crazy, hilarious, and heartfelt moments… our chosen family.


Thank you to all the lovely people we have gotten to work with this year – including the magazine features, blog collaborations, and project pattern designers for our free projects program. We are forever grateful. And, last but certainly not least, a big thank you to all of YOU for letting us be a small part of your lives everyday, whether in fabric form or by visiting our lil’ blog. Your projects and comments always make our days! Thank you!!





Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day with your friends and family, and be sure to eat lots of yummy food for us ;) Have a great day!




Happy Sewing!

26 November

Hi everyone,





Happy Thursday!! And, Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends! We wish you all a wonderful day filled with lots of love, family time, and delicious food. Because today is our weekly Thankful Thursday, we thought it would be the perfect time to share what we are most thankful for…


We are so thankful for our wonderful and supportive families – thank you for loving us unconditionally and for always being there for us, especially when we need it most. We are so thankful for our incredible friends and significant others – we will forever cherish all the fun, crazy, special, and laughing-till-our-bellies-hurt times; you are our chosen family. We are so thankful for the place in which we proudly call our home, with all the necessities to live comfortably, happily, and safely. We are so thankful that we get to do what we love everyday, in a place where we are encouraged to be creative and inspired (and of course, play with lots of pretty colors and fabric ;)).


We are so thankful for our talented artists – Vita, Allison, Jackie, Heather, Andrea, Jane, and Alisse – so much inspiration, creativity, and awesome-ness. We are so thankful for all the fantastic people that we have gotten to partner with, including the magazine features, blog collaborations, and project pattern designers for our free projects program. And of course, we are so thankful for all of YOU – thank you for letting us be a part of your lives, for sharing your Camelot Fabrics projects & tutorials with us, for your sweet and positive words & comments, and for inspiring us each and every day. We are also thankful for chocolate, tea, online shopping, pretty pens, adorable kitties, post-it notes, and glitter hehe.





There are so many things that we are thankful for, that our post would be a novel (haha). But, we hope that all of our American friends have a relaxing and lovely day – eat lots of yummy turkey and apple pie for us!! Have a great day, everyone! :)




Happy Sewing!

27 November

Hi everyone!




Happy Thursday! We hope everyone is having a terrific day. Today is also Thanksgiving, so we wanted to wish all our American friends a Happy Thanksgiving!! Carving of the turkey, cranberry sauce, apple pies, mashed potatoes, roasted butternut squash…oh how yummy! But of course besides a delicious feast, Thanksgiving is also the time to set everything else aside and enjoy the company of your loved ones. We wish everyone a loving, safe, and blessed Thanksgiving weekend! :)




Being that today on the blog is also Thankful Thursday, we thought it would be the perfect time to give thanks to everyone who has supported us. Along the way, we have met and been inspired by so many incredible people. We have been able to reach out and chat with an abundance of creative, selfless, and hard-working individuals and we wanted to take the time to thank them for inspiring us!

We also wanted to thank all of you – thank you for all the positive and wonderful feedback on our designs & endeavors, and for sharing your projects with us. We absolutely adore seeing our fabric designs being crafted into your fantastic projects and they always put a smile on our faces. We have much to be thankful for, a list that would truly be endless, but we will end with a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has positively touched our hearts. As well, today is the first day of Hanukkah…so Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate the Festival of Lights :)





Happy Sewing!

PS: Are you a Star Trek fan? Be sure to enter our latest Winsday giveaway! We are giving away 6 yards of our Star Trek fabric. Let us know who your favorite Star Trek character is here. Good Luck!

28 November