Hi everyone,
Happy Tuesday! Can you believe that there are 10 more days until Christmas?? I finally got my tree up and decorated this weekend, and gosh – does it look and smell heavenly!!
Time for this week’s How To’s Day! Today we are featuring our easy fabric gift wrap ideas, just in time for your upcoming gift-wrapping sessions (complete with a cup of hot cocoa and your favorite holiday movie). If you’re like me, you’ve got a couple of last minute gifts to pick up… and never seem to have enough wrapping paper. Where does it all go? Haha. Well, no worries – because your overflowing fabric stash can help you out! So many pretty options to choose from, and it makes it that more special!
There are 4 unique gift-wrapping options we’re sharing with you! We’ve got all of your gift wrapping challenges covered. Click MORE to see the full tutorials.