Posts Tagged ‘free project’
When I first joined Camelot Fabrics, they asked if I could help by making one of the DIY projects for Spring Quilt Market. Of course I said yes! I have another excuse to go in my quilt cave and leave my husband alone with the three kids: This is for work!
Imagine my surprise when I saw that the pattern was designed for templates! I am not a template enthusiast. As a matter of fact I am more the lazy quilter type who enjoys simple strip piecing projects. So I put my thinking cap on and figured out how to make this project without using templates. And I thought: Why not share this on a How To’s Day post? The pattern is called Saybrook Island Pillow by Stephanie Palmer of Late Night Quilter .
We have made many projects with the Rose Quartz & Serenity collection for the Spring Quilt Market not to mention the ties and handkerchiefs that look stunning (You have to look at the picture Fave Quilts took). So it is difficult to pick out just one project to feature. But I am opting for the great Butterfly quilt pattern as it’s a relatively easy Queen Size quilt to make.
Please remember that I DO NOT recommend you starting your quilting journey by making a Queen size quilt! Although I have heard many stories starting like this. The fact is that quilting is not necessary the easiest hobby to have. And starting on a big project might mean a very short lived dream of becoming a quilter. Quilting combines many disciplines: the cutting, the piecing, the sandwiching, the quilting and the binding. All very challenging! I tend to call them pitfalls. So ensure that you kind of master all of these before contemplating a Queen Size quilt.

You can download the free pattern on our website AND you will be happy to know that the pattern has been tested and all corrections have been made to ensure that you really enjoy making the quilt.
Please do send us photos or simply link us up on your social media by adding #camelotfabrics
Happy sewing!
Hi everyone,
Happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having a fantastic day so far!! If you’re headed to Fall QM, we’ll be there too – be sure to by booth #414 :)
Time for this week’s How To’s Day! Today we are featuring our Cracker Lattice Quilt by Meadow Mist Designs. Cracker Lattice is a very pretty design of double lattices along the whole quilt. To add a fun twist, each intersection of lattices is a diamond block, which creates a look of interlocking squares and rectangle shapes. We chose to showcase Cracker Lattice with our Beach House Collection by Jack!e McFee. The mixing of coral prints keep the quilt feminine and sweet – perfect for a nursery or little girl’s bedroom!

Want to design your own Cracker Lattice Quilt? Click MORE to see the full tutorial.
Hi everyone,
Happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having a fantastic, National Soft Ice Cream Day! Get yourself a delicious chocolate or vanilla soft serve (we love the duo kind!), kick back and relax, and enjoy today!
On to our How To’s Day! Today we are featuring our Baby Blocks Quilt by Larene Smith of The Quilted Button. Our Baby Blocks Quilt is a lovely block-by-block pattern of squares that create a clean and contemporary design, perfect for a modern nursery. The different “squares” allow for you to have fun with different fabric prints, to create visual interest. We chose to feature our feminine Emilia Collection, and chose like patterns in a diagonal design. The border is our darker medallion print, which gives the overall quilt a nice warmth.

Such a gorgeous, feminine quilt that would be a perfect gift for a mama-to-be! Want to make your own Baby Blocks Quilt? Click MORE for the full tutorial.
Hi everyone,
Happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having a great day!! Today is National Milk Chocolate Day. Milk chocolate is delicious in pretty much any form – milk chocolate bars, milk chocolate cake, milk chocolate ice cream…and the dreamy list goes on and on!
It’s How To’s Day! Today we are featuring one of our beloved free pillow patterns on our website, the Elevation Pillow by Kristy Daum. Elevation is a beautiful modern pillow that creates a super cool “graph-like” design, while keeping the rest clean space. This pillow pattern allows for the sewer to mix-and-match different fabrics together, as the design is made up of smaller triangles. We love keeping each etched “line” more uniform in color, to separate the three individual lines, which creates a really cool feel.
We’ve had Elevation sewn up quite a few times, but we thought we’d share a classic favorite – with our What a Gem by Allison Cole collection. We adore how the whimsical prints look together in this one!

Want to make your own Elevation Pillow? Click MORE to see the full tutorial.