This is a very special FAN FRIDAY!
In June, I went to Vermont with some friends (see previous blog) to visit the Vermont Quilt Festival! And they have a special category dedicated to kids! I always love seeing that section as I know how much work it can be to get our kids excited about quilting. My two eldest boys have already made a quilt that was featured in this section and next year my youngest one wants to participate. So I always view this section with great interest!
And this year I got a nice surprise! I got to see a quilt made by a 9 years old boy using Camelot Fabrics Star Wars Glow in the dark fabrics! He loves Star Wars and picked out the fabrics AND decided where they would go. He also quilted the piece on a home machine.

Congratulations on a job well done! We hope you enjoy your quilt for years to come.
We have another Fall 2015 Collection for you today… Flourish by Ciana Bodini! Flourish is a romantic collection of peach, mint, and teal hues to create a dreamy enchantment of delicate florals and gingham prints. The effortless femininity of this collection is reminiscent of a quiet spot in the outskirts of Paris – all you’re missing is a chic dress, classic french read, and a vintage bicyclette!

One can never have too many florals! There is something about having a fresh bouquet of flowers to freshen up a space. But if you aren’t one with a green thumb (not one here!) – a cozy quilt, such as Festival, with our Flourish Collection will do just the trick.

Let us know what you think of our lovely Flourish by Ciana Bodini collection! And, stay tuned for lots more…
Hi everyone!
Happy Thursday! How is everyone’s day going? The Easter Bunny made a quick visit to the Camelot Design Studio today, so we are all happily working and enjoying our treats! We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter holiday this weekend, wishing you all much happiness, love, and yummy food :)
It’s time for this week’s Thankful Thursday! Today we are going to be sharing a very exciting event that took place last week in Kitchener: Scrapfest 2014! This very fun festival brought together lots of crafty and inspiring people. There were informative workshops, engaging make-and-takes, and lots of creativity floating around everywhere!
Westcott was part of a really great Make & Take, lead by Elizabeth Glenday, and we were very honored to be a part of it too! Our Conversation Heart Banner free tutorial was used as the project, and they used our Ad-Fab™ and chalkboard fabric for the banners. We absolutely adore how they made the conversation hearts, but also Easter-inspired with the cute egg banners! It just shows how easily adaptable this project is for all celebrations and holidays.

We adore the “I made it @ Scrapfest 2014” chalkboard fabric speech bubble! Such a cute idea!! The Make & Take looked like it was SO much fun, and we heard that it was a great success. Everyone who came by enjoyed the project and putting their own spin on it! So great to see crafters of all ages having participated too!

We want to say a HUGE thank you to Brenda Greenwood-Vernem from Westcott, Paula Jones from the CHA, and Elizabeth Glenday for allowing Camelot Fabrics to be a part of a great team. We were so happy that our Conversation Hearts Banner & products were much loved at the Scrapfest event! We were super excited to hear everyone was received well and it was a success. If you want to be a part of the next Scrapfest, or for more information, check out the Scrapfest site here. Thank you once again! Have a great day everyone! :)
Happy Sewing!