Today is our What We Love ♥ As it’s been getting nicer outdoors, we’ve been spending a lot more time adventure-ing and enjoying the weather. There is so much around us to be inspired by, from the luscious green trees to the ever-blooming gardens to the pure, fluffy clouds. There is beauty in everything, but sometimes with the fast pace of day-to-day, we can miss them. Find beauty in the irregular, the different, the unique. See what we have been inspired by this week.. ♥

Sara: The Mystical World of Mushrooms
Juan: Stormtrooper Birthday Cake – Happy Birthday!!
Marion: Pattern Bahavior
Ciana: Peek-a-boo Bear
Valeria: Kawachi Fuji Gardens; Kitakyushu, Japan.
Shannen: David’s Tea
Vanessa: Flamingo Wallpaper
We hope we have inspired you with this week’s post! Let us know what you have been loving most. We’d love to know! And be sure to check out our Pinterest for lots more ♥ (PS: Happy Birthday to one of our in-house designers, Juan!! Have the BEST of days, celebrating YOU!)
Hi everyone!
Happy Tuesday! We hope everyone is having a lovely day. It is the last day to enter our Itty Bitty FQB x coordinating Aurifil Spools Giveaway on our Facebook Page, so be sure to enter if you’d like. Good Luck to everyone entering!! PS: We’ve been excitedly going through all the new summer song suggestions, and have been loving them in the office…so thank you so much! :)
It’s also time for this week’s How To’s Day! We absolutely adore Burda Style, and are often found perusing on their website and magazines for sewing and style inspiration. They have a ton of creative and beautiful content each issue, there’s always something new, and we’re always inspired! As well, their patterns are always on-trend and such an ease to work with. They have a fantastic webisode dedicated to sharing sewing tips & tricks, as well as fun project tutorials for everyone. They have an online forum and gallery where fellow sewing enthusiasts can post their newest creations, either using a Burda Style tutorial or one that they made themselves…such a great place to share!

Want to see what we did with the Burda Style Smocked Maxi Dress pattern? Click HERE to see more! :)