It’s time for our What We Love! ♥ This will also be our last What We Love for 2014. So weird to say that; it seems as though the last couple months of the year just whizzed by. We started our What We Love segment on the blog in June, and have had so much fun sharing with you a little bit more about us. We get especially excited on Thursdays because we get to choose our weekly “image”, and trust us, we don’t take it lightly. LOL. This week, we also wanted to include another bonus “what we love” and that would be all of YOU. We love you guys every week, but wanted to let you know. We appreciate you sosososo much. More than you’ll ever know. Okay, enough sappiness lol. Onto what else we’ve loved most this week… ♥
Shannen: The Nutcracker Ballet
Valeria: Dinosaur Bookend
Juan: Skylanders Elements Sugar Cookies
Vanessa: Ice Skating
Marion: Cacti + Pretty Bottles
Ending with a great one! We hope we have inspired you with our post this week. We’d love to know what some of your favorite things this week were. We always love chatting with you! And that’s it for 2014, but you can always check our Pinterest for more! ♥