Shirley Copperwhite is the Irish designer behind folk-art collections Birds of Paradise and Spring Birds. This month, she shares her musings on travels in Madeira, her Victorian inspiration and the joy of freeing her mind to do “cartwheels on the page”.
BeeYoutiful designer Jackie McFee returns to the Camelot Fabrics blog for her second artist feature. In case you missed it, you can read her first interview here: On the open (creative) road with Jackie McFee
As one of our longest-standing designers Jackie’s got plenty of insights into the world of fabric design. What wins us over again and again, though, is the youthful vibrancy of her personality which shines through in everything she creates. Want a dose of that spirit? Read on after the jump!


Designer Sara B. will take over our Instagram feed this weekend. This artist is known for her hand-painted floral patterns – perfect for the first weekend of spring!
Sara shared some of her creative insights with us: sources of inspiration, the joy of unpredictability, and the idea of “life in bloom”.
Read on for the full interview.