It’s time for this week’s What We Love ♥ It’s all about glitter, butterflies, flowers, and cake in the office today…yup, we ♥ birthdays! We love to celebrate anything and everything haha – I mean, who doesn’t love a reason to eat sweets? ;) It’s also been absolutely beautiful here, and the warm sun & soft breeze has reassured us that Spring weather is here to stay. From honey bunny ice cream to buttery leather…here’s what we’ve been loving most this week! ♥

Vanessa: Fringe Heels
Valeria: Honey Bunny Ice Cream
Ciana: Collage
Juan: Snail – Macro Photography
Shannen: Lion Babe EP
Marion: Mini Title; Carl Kleiner for WhyRed
We hope you’ve enjoyed our post this week! We’d love to know what you have been loving. You can find lots more inspiration from us on our Pinterest, as always ♥
Hi everyone,
Happy Tuesday! We hope you are having a lovely day. It’s another gorgeously, sunny day out today – a little cooler than yesterday, but Spring weather has officially arrived!! Goodbye puffy coats, goodbye heavy boots haha.
Time for this week’s How To’s Day! Today we are featuring another one of our lovely quilt designs, this week’s by Stephanie Palmer of Late Night Quilter. Stephanie created her blog, Late Night Quilter, because that is what she started out as – working full-time during the day (as well as being a full-time mama), and quilting at night. Such a cute name. As she started to get more involved in the quilting world, her blog and brand quickly grew…and she saw herself being more in the quilting industry.
Now, along with her friend Michelle, they run Late Night Quilter – a long arm quilting service and pattern design company based in Austin, Texas. Their style is cool and modern, just like our fabric designs, so we knew they would be a great fit from the start! For our Free Projects Program, Stephanie created her Summer of the Sound Quilt, featuring It’s a Bird’s Life by Heather Rosas, which truly showcases the pretty greens and pinks in this collection. The star designs make this quilt truly unique, and would make a fantastic bed quilt or wall decor. Just stunning!

Want to make your own Summer of the Sound Quilt? Click MORE to see the full tutorial.
Hi everyone,
Happy Friday!! I hope you all had a great week. Ending our week with a rainy, gloomy day…but at least it’s above O°C, and the following week is supposed to be lovely :)
It’s time for this week’s Fan Friday! Today we are featuring a fantastic Easter project we found on Instagram, that Lish Dorset made. She created an awesome Easter basket, filled with yummy goodies, using our Star Wars Comic Strip fabric!! This basket would be the BEST kind of Easter basket for any Star Wars enthusiast, including the boy that she made it for. And our Star Wars patch-like design was a great choice, because even on its own, it’s fun and bright for a project.

Thank you so much for the tag, Lish! And thank you for the fabric love. We always love seeing projects, so if you use one of our collections or free projects, we’d love to see! You can tag us on Instagram, like Lish, or send us a picture at Have an awesome weekend!!
Happy Sewing!
Hi everyone,
Happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having an awesome day. Feeling a bit of a sugar rush this afternoon, but hey – it was Easter! Where else is all this chocolate going to go? Seems like a legit enough reason to us, haha.
Time for this week’s How To’s Day! Today we are sharing a Bar Blocked Floor Mat Tutorial by Made by Marion. Simple, modern, and clean in this design, this bar blocked floor mat features our wonderful osnaburg, a textile that is like canvas but with a lighter weight (can be seen in our Basics Catalog). It is unbleached, like our Heirloom Collection, which is also featured in our project. With our Heirloom Collection, this bar blocked floor mat looks luxurious and regal.

The simple striped design makes it the perfect mat for any interior space – it would look lovely under a glass coffee table or by your bedroom door. Its smaller size makes it a great piece for adding a bit of pizzazz to a floor space, without the commitment of a large rug or carpet.

Want to make your own stylish, Bar Blocked Floor Mat? Click HERE for the full tutorial.
Hi everyone,
Happy Friday!! We hope everyone is having a fantastic day. Easter is this weekend, and we are excitedly getting ready for Mr. Easter Bunny to arrive. Decorating eggs and baking cookies! Yum yum! :)
Fan Friday time!! Today we are featuring an adorable Let’s Go Quilt by Perry’s Plate, that we found on Instagram. Perry’s Plate is a wonderful food blog run by Natalie, who shares her favorite paleo recipes. She is passionate about feeding her family healthy foods, and lives a mostly paleo lifestyle. Her blog has been featured many times, including LDS Living, Gourmet Live, and being the blog of the month on Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution site. On top of being a blogger, she is a mom of 4 and loves to sew!

She recently shared her Let’s Go Quilt, that she made for her newest little boy, and we just had to share! The quilt is adorable, but I mean…her son makes the picture haha. Too cute!!

Thank you for the fabric love, Natalie!! You can find more from her on her blog, Facebook, and Instagram. And with that, have an incredible Easter weekend!
Happy Sewing!